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Snake Environment 🐍#

We provide here an implementation of the Snake environment from (Bonnet et al., 2021). The goal of the agent is to navigate in a grid world (by default of size 12x12) to collect as many fruits as possible without colliding with its own body (i.e. looping on itself).


  • grid: jax array (float) of shape (num_rows, num_cols, 5), feature maps (image) that include information about the fruit, the snake head, its body and tail.

  • step_count: jax array (int32) of shape (), current number of steps in the episode.

  • action_mask: jax array (bool) of shape (4,), array specifying which directions the snake can move in from its current position.


The action space is a DiscreteArray of integer values: [0,1,2,3] -> [Up, Right, Down, Left].


The reward is +1 upon collection of a fruit and 0 otherwise.

Registered Versions 📖#

  • Snake-v1: Snake game on a board of size 12x12 with a time limit of 4000.